Mother I

15 01 2008

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简体 繁體 Audio
妈妈  媽媽  [audio:ma1.mp3,ma5.mp3]
母亲  母親  [audio:mu3.mp3,qin1.mp3]
外公  外公  [audio:wai4.mp3,gong1.mp3]
外祖父  外祖父  [audio:wai4.mp3,zu3.mp3,fu4.mp3]
外婆  外婆  [audio:wai4.mp3,po2.mp3]
外祖母  外祖母  [audio:wai4.mp3,zu3.mp3,mu3.mp3]
舅舅  舅舅  [audio:jiu4.mp3,jiu5.mp3]
舅父  舅父  [audio:jiu4.mp3,fu4.mp3]
舅母  舅母  [audio:jiu4.mp3,mu3.mp3]
姨妈  姨媽  [audio:yi2.mp3,ma1.mp3]
姨母  姨母  [audio:yi2.mp3,mu3.mp3]
姨丈  姨丈  [audio:yi2.mp3,zhang4.mp3]

Keywords: chinese phrases, common chinese phrases, basic Chinese, Chinese voice, mandarin voice, pinyin voice, chinese with voice, annotate chinese, Chinese with audio, pinyin, bopomo, common chinese words, popular chinese words, word list, learn chinese, learn chinese for free, chinese for beginners,Putonghua,chinese words for tourists, chinese phrase for tourists, pronounce Chinese words, pronounce pinyin, pronounce bopomo, mother, mama, mother’s brother, mother’s sister, mother’s father, mathoer’s mother

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